long time i havent posted a blog yet......
for that, i is being sorry to ones who knows me and thought that it is a waste.
A few things happen to me up till now.
Actually, i can only remember some.
1st, on me school's sports day, i confess to a girl i like. Sad part is that i sms her and she didnt reply back..
Sad ain't it. When i got back to school, it felt like nothing really happened between us. Ah well, that's the mistake i made for not telling her face to face.
2nd, i now know that i have been wasting my time playing too much games and stuff..
My grandma, 3 brothers and eldest sister already told me the same thing over and over again. now, i will try to change from time to time.
3rd, im currently learning Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) because my gym teacher told me about it and wanted to introduce it to my school. For that to happen, i contact with one of the ex-student from my school.
4th, i am feeling lonelier (or Emo) these days. Not really sure why. Probably been just feeling left out or i've been spending tooooo much time with myself.
5th, i write this now cause a friend of mine, (u kno who u r) told me (if i can remember correctly, and i have a bad memory) that when u have a blog, write something on it, even if it is crap.... well, i think that is wat that "friend" said.
well that's is enough...
oh, now i remember, writing this blog will show how you truly feel. I think that's what my friend said.
well, that is really enough...
Thank you for reading this blog
Wait for a day, a week, or maybe a month for the next.
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