Salutations non-believers, i may not know who you are, but the same could be said for all of you out there, reading this blog about a random idiot spouting random nonsense in his blog. Well, it's true i spout out nonsense from time to time (take my fellow comrade Shadow, she is an expert at random nonsense. A true recommendation for her blog if u wanna find something to kill time). I also write things, moments, trivial things that had happened in my life. Well, i still do. Because this is counted as a post, and that's what blogs do. Just something to write about when your in the mood or something like that. Do you notice the "ropes" i set up to check out other blogs? One of em is the inspiring awesomeness (awesomeness is a real word? cool) of my friend, Shadow the random artist. I call her Shadow instead of her other name, which i won't mention, for unnecessary reasons, for that is what she was called before. Because Shadow is an AWESOME NAME!!! Is it not? i mean look at this picture!
ITS AWESOME!! You can't see the guy and that's the way she wants it. Unknown but known to all. If your seeing the picture, you know what I'm talking about, unless there is no picture, it's just a picture of a shadow of a guy on a horse. But I'm just side-tracking right now. The title of this post is AND SO BEGINS ANOTHER TALE, and that is what I'm gonna do. Begin another tale. Not about my life. Not my friends. But a new and different tale. One for the books. This tale is called, "Fucked in the face".. HHAHAHA no, joking joking. A bit matured and rude wasn't that? ok the real title is called "APES". Don't be fooled. That title is short for "Awesome Private EyeS". Of course, it's not really private EyeS but private I's or investigators. And this is a story about 3, very different, very dark, characters. Think you've heard these three already? How about if i were to say one is a normal PI, one is a mutated worm that can change it's body size and is able to speak 10 different languages and one is a teenager trained to kill. Not exciting enough? How about i just say the PI was hot? Would that get your attention? Well now, since i just talked about the story, i hope i can continue it, with the guidance of my friends and family. Hopefully my school as well. ALL RIGHTY THEN!!! time to wraps this shit up. haha, THIS and SHIT both contain the same letters... HAHHA... ANYWAY, this would be the time i just shut up and finish up my post.
pleasant reading!
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