IT FINALLY CAME OUT!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE MOST INFAMOUS MUSICAL MOVIE IS NOW A MANGA (jap term for comic. Mahwa is korean)!!! IT's THE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL MANGA!!! Don't beleive me, check out this url, http://www.mangafox.com/manga/high_school_musical/, and be amaze at the quickness of the drawing cause it's SHOUJO!! (meaning girl comics.. a girls type of comic book that is targeted to female audience)!!!
today just ran the EFFFING CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING THINGY AND IT'S A LOT FASTER THAN THAT OF LAST YEAR... since some of em assess didn't show up. well alls well, ends well. We won the battle (BLUE HOUSE GOT 1st in CROSS COUNTRY! YEAH!) but we haven't won the war (BLUE HOUSE IS THIRD PLACE!! BOOOO!!!!). So we're not givin up still we won!! or lost.. either ways. P.S. yellow house is last. my friend's team is last.. i give her me sympathy, whether u like it or not.
You kno my last post about APES. Well, the story will be told through the youngest character's eyes, RAY YAGAMI!! Joe ZAMORA's (the detective... the HOT detective.. this character is a target audience for girls) apprentice who will help Joe through thick and thin!!
I'M HOME ALONE!! or atleast i think i am... not sure yet but i definitely human presence around me.
AIT, that all folks
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