Sunday, November 22, 2009

3rd Day of Holidayzzzzz... f***

It is the third day of the holidays and all i did was spent time playing Runescape and watching anime... I seriously need to get a hobby... which i already have but my lazy angel told me to just stay lazy and stuff.... i need to find ppl to hangout with...

Wanting to so buy the xbox360.. SO VERY MUCH.... i explain to me bros that we would start collecting next month, but hopefully no complications till then...

No call from that Kinokunya person.. i'm getting worried that i might not get it and then i hv to find something else to do to finish up my time... But i definitely won't spend it on homework..


I reeeaaally need to go out more... maybe meet some new ppl....HAHHAHA, like that would ever happen..

anyways, i least i already thought of certain ideas for my book (that has been around for soooooo long) so yeah.. updated and stuff... holidays and cerios...

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