Sunday, February 24, 2013

Babble in curiosity

Right now imma let my instincts talk while i dazed away for a bit. I wonder what is it about me that keep.... wait, imma thinkin again. can't think, i gotta feel. gotta dabble in curiosity (gotta stay in topic and all, or imma just be doping away)... So, what am i writing? I wanna know what i wanna write about.

Maybe i should just warn you know that reading this post will may be a waste of your precious time, but considering you are still reading this post up to this sentence, then i'll entertain you for a little while longer. I want to know what is it i plan to do with my course of life. I could do anything, actually. I won't be good at it, but i know i'll learn on the job and then gain experience (just like in games~), and in time, i'll be good at it. They do say to get good at something, you gotta suck at it first.

Sigh, my mind wanders around like... like..pollen being swayed by the wind. Pollen..what was that one flower called again? Cauliflower? no wait, that's a vegetable...let me check google for a minute...ahh..damn, forgot what flower it was. A new simile, like a leaf on the wind (googled simile as well, sew me..well not literally).. I get blown around places, wandering around on where should i land.. but fate isn't so kind. The wind will just take me to another place and i'll still be shrouding in the unknown, mind filled with doubts, my hope replaced by uncertainty, my pride turned into longing..longing for a place to rest. It will allow me to rest, though. When the wind stops, I get a chance to see my resting place, my landing spot.

Is it the end? No, I will not submit to that. I remain curious once more. I don't plan to stop yet. How am i writing this? In present tense? In future tense? these sentences don't need tenses. tis a story. randomly weaved by a fool satisfying his fill on writing.

You did a good job reading until now. It means your curiosity is broad. you want to know things that you don't know of, you want to understand where this is going. Well, i got news for ya, this post ain't going nowhere, but it opens a certain something within ya. I'll tell you straight. My dear readers, you.are.a.Fool. You can take it as an insult if you want. only foolish people would ready what a foolish person writes. Only a fool can follow the babbles of a fool. And you are one (if you are still reading, then it pretty much proves it). You are like me. Unknown to the outside, wondering why? So you instead of sitting ya ass on the sofa, you started walking, journeying, reading, finding, discovering, answering and repeat. Satisfying your quench for knowledge, you started wandering and understanding your limits, your capability..your gift.

So congratulations, my foolish readers, i thank you for reading this far (again) and enjoy your new found personality. It will help you well in life. I don't guarantee it, but well..just see how it goes~

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