Saturday, February 5, 2011

and then there's 5

Name:Foo Li Ann
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Relationship:Friend, Close Friend...and Crush..
Relationship status...? i don't know, she says she's not goin out with anyone but others say she is.. that just means she is... ok... now it begins..

Ok, remember how i kept on continuously mention about the 5 crushes in my life and how i went through each of them.. and remember how i was always saying that i was gonna tell u guys about it.. well, here is the last one... and if i still have more to say, this could might as well be my last one, but who knows for sure...

Foo Li Ann, i mostly don't call her through that name... why? I don't feel comfortable..reason being..i just don't...alright alright, i just don't feel right calling her by her name.. weird right? I know, i don't get it either. So what do i call her? Well, i don't keep track of the names i call her but i do remember some. There's Geena (her name she used during her days playing Ragnarok..her dark days, but she made plenty of friends, so i heard), i call her Girl, Sticks, Legs, Chopstick (not sure she remember this one, it was like a year ago), women, as well as pet names like Love (just started recently due to the influence of the series Lie To Me when the main character calls some people, mostly girls, love), hon, and other normal ones like dude, guy, man, mac... yeah, it's weird, but i don't feel right callin her name..

Now enough about what i call her.. now is the real thing.
I met her durin my second year in Sri Garden. I was awkward around everyone and i still don't trust no one... I still felt like i was the new boy around school. Eventually i befriended with these two cousins and followed one of them to her boyfriend's class every morning b4 school starts.. And there is where it all began. How i met her is still a blur to me. She said that she knows me during our trip to melaka, and i knew her before that trip, but i met her during one of the meetings with Lara's (my "lil' sis" and one of the cousins i befriended during form 1) boyfriend, who is currently one of my friends as well. We started to get to know each other by form 2, when we were both in the same class. Including were my bro, Wai Yu, and an awesome lad my the name of Jason, Jace for short. The Checker Chick days.. the reason behind that name was because of Liann's winged checkered heart design.. it was fun.. Form 2 was the best of my years.. 3 awesome best friends, cool school life.. it felt like the first time i started to live.. it felt right.. that was until..well...the split..

Form 3, all of us we assigned to different classes cept for me and Liann (lucky!). I was sad, but at least i was with someone i know. This was the year i met Amira... fell for her and apparently Liann's best friend... she won't admit it but deep down she really is her best friend.. so starts my heartbreak days and then starts the split.. It was on Jace's birthday and we all planned to go out to watch a movie. It was me, Lara, Wai Yu, Liann, Liyana, Ben (Liyana's bf) and Jace, who came a bit too late cause we didn't have enough seats. So instead of ditching the movie, she let hers go and just wandered off...but followin her were Lara n Wai Yu, who eventually became a couple that day... the group split into two and that was the sign our group...started to split..

Weeks later, something happened... Jace stopped hangin out with us.. I thought it was because he was hangin out with Hanif's group.. but it was more than that.. Apparently there was a slight argument amongst Liann, Wai Yu and Jace... it was some sort of love triangle or sumtin like that... i dunno... i never knew about it till the time we all went to our hiding place. We met Jace there alone and he didn't talk to us...well, to them... i wasn't part of the fight.. Eventually, we all grew apart..

By form 4, it was already clear... we had our own group to hang with.. Jace was with Hanif's group, Wai Yu got his own group as well.. all that was left in Checker Chicks were Liann and myself... eventually we had a fight amongst each other as well and we didn't talk to each other for 3 days or somethin like that...

Now what was the outcome of that fight? Well, it just started with me having a bright idea to look for Liann's house...why? I have no fuckin clue.. So off i was, lookin for Liann's house, but i didn't end up findin it.. But then i lied to liann sayin that i was outside her out but went back cause i was nervous to go inside (i might have left that last part out) which led to the big question...Do i like her..and i did not know how to answer that...but i did..for a long time, i like her...

Everytime i see her, my heart skips a beat, my day seems brighter, i couldn't wait to see her at school everyday.. add any cheesy lines and creepy/stalker quotes.. i was head over heels for her..and that was the problem...which sucks a lot...

I know it all to well.. I'm not a man in her eyes.. no, i'm her friend.. the "friend" that is there for her at certain times and was always hangin out with her.. i wasn't a man in her eyes..i was her "Bud"... it sucked i knew well it was stupid of me to have fallen in love (yes, i said love..or typed more like it) with her in the beginning.. Why? Because she already had eyes for another..

Form 5, group dispersed completely..but even when we are all not together, me and her, still the same class, the good friends.. close friends... i guess who we started hangin out with? HER Crush and his gang... who was that gang? Hanif's gang.. that's right, 3/4 of the Checker Chicks were all on the same group...I thought there was still hope for our group, but no... it never came... Checker Chicks was gone and all we have left were our memories..

Soon after, i started to understand that i shouldn't hang out with her.. i should just leave her alone... but NOOOO, i just have to stay with her. I just hafta... Eventually i couldn't handled it anymore and just let out...through skype..or was it fbchat... but then she knew and in a way, let me down easy.. now you might be thinkin, now that that's done, i could go on with my life with this burden off my chest.. i should have... but i didnt..

To this day, I, Sheikh Muhamad Azriq (OMG! My REAL NAME IS OUT!!) is still in love with Foo Liann, Close Friend and Comrade of the AC well as COD: Modern Warfare and such..

I told you it was complicated love... well, here ya go..
Thanks for being my friend and im sorry that i still have feelings for ya.. I love you as a friend as well as a man to a women... so yeah, I am REALLY SORRRY (no sarcasm added).. I don't like ur boyfriend, i enjoy your company and best of luck to you in National Service.. be safe, don't do anything stupid and always know that i'm still your friend, no matter the outcome....oh and sorry again..

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